Pre Filing Trademark searching
Trademark searching and why it is important
It is very important to search for existing trademarks before your file a trademark application in UK.
During examination, the examiner will search for existing trademarks. If any such trademarks exist, they may be cited against your application potentially resulting in your application being rejected.
In fact, not all trademark Consultants search for existing trademarks before filing an application, often resulting in loss of rights and unecessary expense.
How Trademarken searches for existing trademarks before you file
The Trademarken application software automatically searches for existing trademarks when you file your trademark application. If any relevant trademarks are found, the Trademarken software automatically raises a red flag, allowing you to be able to determine whether to proceed with your mark or instead to amend your mark and try again.
Find out more about our trademark searching capabilities.
Last modified:03/10/2013