Trademark Search in UK
Why trademark search before you file?
Existing trademarks in the trademarks register may be cited against your trademark application during examination. As trademarks are registered in respect of one or more goods and services, the examiner will look for trademarks that are the same or substantially similar to your trademark aplication that are also for the same goods and services or for similar goods and services.
How to trademark search before you file
Applicants should be careful during trademark searching. Specifically, not all trademarks found during a trademark search are relevant to your trademark application. As trademarks are registered in one or more of 45 goods and services, the same trademark may be registered for different good and services.
During examination, the trademark examiner will try to find the trademarks identical or similar to your trademark, but only for the same or similar good and services.
The Trademarken search automatically only looks for those those trademarks that are in the same or similar goods and services to your trademark application, allowing you the opportunity to register your trademark where possible.
Find out how to tell whether your trademark is available in UK when configuring your trademark application.
Last modified:03/10/2013